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Varicose veins

Varicose veins are enlarged knotty superficial veins, usually of the legs. One can differentiate between idiopathic varicose veins (95 % of the cases), caused by a congenital weakness of the vein walls or the connective tissue respectively and secondary varicose veins. These develop in cases where, due to obstacles in the deeper veins, blood no longer can drain unhindered and a bypass develops, using the superficial veins.

Results of an improper drainage can lead to profound damages in the leg, especially in the area of the distal lower leg. At first the pathological changes manifest themselves only by discrete und unspecific symptoms, as swellings of the leg (often single sided), a feeling of heavy legs, itching or cramps in the calf at night. During disease progression cicatrization of the skin, subcutis and fascia may occur, as well as venous eczemas and an inflammation of the superficial veins (trombophlebitis) that can lead to the development of an ulcus cruris varicosum (open sore).

Symptoms: at first a feeling of tension or heaviness in legs, itching of the skin above a bigger varicose vein, cramps in the calf at night, worsening in warm weather. In advanced state enlarged veins in their typical wiggly and reticular form can be seen through the skin. Water accumulating in the tissue causes development of edemas. The skin might harden, turn brownish and parchmenty, occasionally with mycosis of skin or toe nails.

For the treatment of varicose veins, within the scope of the REGENA-Therapy, the following REGENAPLEX remedy can be used: